评委专访 | 罗杰·米罗——图画书,你手中的小小世界
Roger Mello
受访人 | 罗杰·米罗(Roger Mello)
采访 | 景凯娟、刘梦溪、王若卉(Hiiibrand编辑)
地点 | 深圳甘坑客家小镇
时间 | 2018年12月22日
The picture book has always been amazing for me, it's related to the origins of the books indeed. Because the first book made by human beings which was already picture books, it was full of images,it was full of illustrations, calligraphy, design of the space of the book. So I understand the picture book or the Illustrated book as the book itself,as I recall to the origin of the book which is the illustrated books, so in this case we don't separate image from text. Both images and words are part of something that cannot be divided. The book is a whole object and it is, as I like to say, the world in your hand.
Mr. Cao Wenxuan from China says that his way to make philosophy is to do picture books, i totally agree with him. Picture book is not only a piece of art, but it’s piece of art that brings you reflection, that brings you opening of your mind and it's also related to time because each time you read the book,you divide the time, you create new possibilities of time. So the book is the possibility of thinking and rethinking.
I think the illustration has always been a powerful way of telling stories and this is something very interesting too, because in this way you understand the illustration as one of the oldest expressions of visual arts. If you see the the paintings of the case, they are kind of illustration, they are not only images that are beautiful, because they have expressions. But they are a sequence of stories. They sometimes have a function to tell something to inform something but they are full of artistic Liberty, they're full of artistic of thought.
When you see some pictures that show, that show for example, a rhinoceros or a master role, you were seen of not only the expression that says there is a beast, there is a huge animal outside but you think of this animal, I interpret this animal in my own way of painting. So it's a way of telling story that is not only telling what is out there but it's how I see the out there.
Imagination is a word that comes from image. It's a word that talks usually about text or creating things. But it's very interesting to see that in many language the word imagination comes from image. Children are very visual beings and they're very poetical and powerful because they don’t make separation between the text or the written text and pictures they know that they are much more connected than people think or used to think they are.
So for me, to say that pictures and words are the same. I know that for most of the people, it looks strange we're all. But for me it's perfectly normal, and in the wonderful cultures like the Chinese cultures, it's very easy to know that when you do calligraphy, for example, you’re also doing picture, you're also doing imagination to image.
Color is also like a character, for me. Design is like a character, painting is like a charactor, paper is always a character. So when i am dealing with colors and choosing colors, I am, it is, as if I was getting to know better about the character. So each character, the colors, it's very interesting because although people think they mean something like red is violence or like, ummm, or yellow must be envious. But actually they mean nothing.
Colors are very interesting because they are powerful. Color is the “now”, like when you see a color, for example, red or blue, you’re in connection with many feelings that you have in your life with that red or with that blue. If I say the word--- blue, each person is going to imagine a different kind of blue. We will have not similarity between the blues that people thought because the color is the possibility of a relationship with the “now”, not the future and not the past, but the “now”, the “present”.
So this is very interesting because sometimes in arts or in reading, we are connected to the future and to the past but you can never connect with the present and color has this very important skill. And color doesn't mean anything, color means the present, color means your relation with the present.
I think that e-books for example or digital books is also a possibility that I don't see, on the other hand, nothing new about it. It's just like another kind of paper. I am a huge fan of technology but I still think that's the most incredible technology that people created is words. When words are created or when this written text was created, it was the biggest technology ever.
Although I am a huge fan of digital world and digital possibly, i really addicted to it. I think that the e-book is still a slave into the paper books.
So in one way you can do whatever you want with this new major which is amazing, you can draw digitally, you can do whatever you want. But I think that there will be a new book, a new e-book that is going to be really new. It's a book I don't know that we're going to read with our hands and it's going...... But till now, the e-book for me has been a copy of the paper book and I wish it's going to be something else, something really a new technology but I like it.
Yes…after all these years, these are really, these are really been a long long time. What I say is that each day I say that we should allow children to see and to choose the book they want because there is such an amazing quantity of books made all over the world. Ummm.... it’s very interesting, it’s almost like the world itself.
I think that we should respect the right that children and adults that the readers have to choose their books. Because sometime you don’t choose a book that for me is the most important and most amazing book ever. But for you, it's not. You have your point of view and sometimes this book at this moment is not your top five books in sort part of your top five books, but for me it is.
“Meninos do mangue”
So again it's the possibility that I dialogue with you and then you're going to say: oh, I see why this book so important is for you right now, but in another moment I don't want to read now.
I think the picture books in China is very thrilling, it’s amazing. There are countless artists, and I have been reading the works of them, for example, Xiong Liang, Cao Wenxuan, Ji Mi. Countless and amazing illustrators and writers from China that are both find their own language and find their own philosophical quests in terms of image and written texts and a connection to tradition which is also very very very new.
“Cavalhadas de Pirenópolis”
Because it doesn't mean that's something that's very old can't be very new contemporary. I have been always a huge fan of the history and of the storytelling in books and I also understand porcelain as books, I also consider wall as books. I think that it's very thrilling, it's a delight to live in the present moment and to be able to see how vivid and how strong and powerful is in this production, for contemporary and traditional.
罗杰·米罗 :非常荣幸能担任第二届小凉帽国际绘本奖的评委之一。我是在这个以“花园”为理念的客家小镇中做评审工作的,这个概念非常具有哲学性,还让我想起了中国的古老哲学。比如当时评审的地点就是在一个叫做“绘本花园”的地方。在这里阅读图画书,就好像在阅读的同时,你还能与周围的优美环境对话。这并不是脱离生活的阅读。
I have the honour and delight to be a judge in Little Hakka 2018. I have been judging in this amazing Hakka town that connect the idea of garden which is very philosophical and reminds me of ancient Chinese philosophy. For example the place where we have been to see all these books what is called the picture book Garden. So I think it's been the possibility to get connected to a book in the library that is in dialogue with the surrounding. It's not a book disconnect from life.
So being a judge and working with my partners, who were all very prepared experts, that we could also have this nice point of view of what is the production right now. And since it is an international award, we could see what they (the illustrators and the authors) are doing and what they are looking for. We could understand that we have different quests, we have different ways of thinking.
And as i am a judge, it's the possibility of rethinking the production in the world, not only in China but through all over the world. What people keep looking for, what are the questions, and where are we going.
罗杰·米罗 :我觉得小凉帽国际绘本奖是让大家与其他创作者交流的独特机会。当我一开始决定做图画书图文作者的时候,最吸引我的就是去塑造形象。而且如我之前所说,颜色可以是一种“角色”。设计可以是一种“角色”,它们如此地吸引我。
I think it's a very unique possibility of getting in touch with other artists. Because when I first decided to be a picture book writer and illustrator, what was moving me was the creation of the character. I told you that for me, colors are characters, design is the character and I am so fascinated about the character.
What makes possible illustrating is to make someone out of nothing. So you didn't have anything but now you have a character. In this character has fears, this character has expectations, falls in love, have a small little evil things also. It's very interesting because you need to understand humidity and understand how fiction gets you closer to human quests and human feelings. So it's very interesting to see how different illustrators and writers respect children in bring into them the best that they can bring as creating characters out of nothing.
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